Students’ Knowledge Regarding Passive Smoking: A Cross-Sectional Study

Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Mengenai Perokok Pasif: Sebuah Studi Cross-Sectional


  • Wathiq Faraon Hussein Department of Basic Science, College of Nursing, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
  • Eman H Rahi Department of Basic Science, College of Nursing, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
  • Riyadh Hussain Taqi College of Nursing, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq



Students, Knowledge, Passive Smoking


Background: Worldwide, smoking is a serious public health issue. While thousands of researchers have examined the health impacts of active smoking, less is known about the effects of passive smoking. Objectives: To identify the students’ knowledge regarding passive smoking. Methods: Nursing college students were given an electronic form to complete as part of a cross-sectional study aimed at evaluating their understanding of passive smoking. Convenient electronic sampling was employed. The study included a sample size of 150 University of Basra College of Nursing students at all levels. Results: We estimated that the population was composed of 61.4% Basra residents, 13.3% Thiqar residents, 10% Babylonians, 7.4% Baghdad residents, 6.6% Samawa residents, and 1.3% Dyala residents. 4% were older than 28, 80% were between the ages of 23 and 27, and 16% were between the ages of 18 and 22. They were divided into four stages: 22% in the first, 16% in the second, 18% in the third, and 44% in the fourth. The midnight study accounted for 30% of the sample, whereas the morning study accounted for 70%. Conclusion: Nursing college students are highly knowledgeable about the negative effects of passive smoking, as evidenced by the fact that the majority of the questionnaire's items were significant.


  1. Smoking is a public health issue; passive smoking effects are under-researched.
  2. Assess nursing students' knowledge of passive smoking.
  3. Nursing students are knowledgeable about passive smoking's negative effects.

Keywords: Students, Knowledge, Passive Smoking


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How to Cite

Hussein, W. F. ., Rahi, E. H. ., & Taqi, R. H. . (2024). Students’ Knowledge Regarding Passive Smoking: A Cross-Sectional Study: Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Mengenai Perokok Pasif: Sebuah Studi Cross-Sectional. Indonesian Journal on Health Science and Medicine, 1(2), 10.21070/ijhsm.v1i2.23.




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